Rachel Paredes
I never really got to know mommy that well. I mainly saw her
every now and then when I came to her house to hang out with
John and his friends. Not too long ago, however, I got to spend
a little more time with her. I remember one-day mommy, John
and I went to dinner at LolliCup. I can remember how John and
his mommy were talking. I could tell they were very close. Over
dinner, we all talked and I could tell
Ms. Hsuan was a really nice person. The next day we had dinner
again at their house. Mommy cooked us rice and dumplings.
Afterwards, we went to Sam's. John and his mom were so cute. I
had fun and felt like I was a part of the family when I was with
them. Every time I looked at mommy she had a smile on her
face. The way she looked at John....you could just see how
much she cared and loved him. I knew she was a good mother
and enjoyed spending time with her Hou-Wei.
When John called me after he found mommy passed out, I
was surprised. I couldn't believe it. She was taken to the hospital
and all we received was bad news. The following days were
extremely hard and emotionally draining. So many people came
to visit mommy at the hospital. Everyone loved her. Anytime
someone mentioned her name, only good words came out of
their mouths. I always heard how she was so devoted to Jesus
and how she sacrifices so much for others. She helped so many
people and was completely unselfish.
I wish I could have spent more time with mommy. And get to
know her better. Still, I will always cherish the few times that I did
spend with her. I still feel that I got to know her at the time. I can
see how much she touched everyone's hearts, including mine.
Now that she is in heaven I just want her to be at peace and
know that everyone here will be okay. I think what I will
remember most is her heart and her big smile, just like an angel.