
Our community has more than twenty years of history in Dallas. What began as five or six families coming together to study the Bible and pray together, quickly became a community that regularly gathered at nearby churches for Masses and meetings. As the numbers grew, they requested that the Diocese of Dallas help establish a permanent Chinese Catholic community in 1990. In 1992, we put our money together and purchased a small office building in Richardson, Texas. By the end of 1993, we had renovated it to become our sanctuary and activity hall. With the guidance of priests seconded from Taiwan and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, our small community grew stronger in numbers and in faith.

神父的話 ─ 慶祝與遵行


一年有四季,禮儀年也有不同的季節。始於將臨期,也就是聖誕期,然後接著一小段常年期主日,通常在主受洗節之後,開始四旬期,聖週,Holy Triduum (聖週四、聖週五、聖週六共三天)及最重要、最快樂的耶穌復活主日。接著我們慶祝耶穌升天節,聖神降臨節(也就是教會的生日)和天主聖三週。在天主聖三的二週內,我們慶祝耶穌聖體聖血及耶穌聖心節。

