
Our community has more than twenty years of history in Dallas. What began as five or six families coming together to study the Bible and pray together, quickly became a community that regularly gathered at nearby churches for Masses and meetings. As the numbers grew, they requested that the Diocese of Dallas help establish a permanent Chinese Catholic community in 1990. In 1992, we put our money together and purchased a small office building in Richardson, Texas. By the end of 1993, we had renovated it to become our sanctuary and activity hall. With the guidance of priests seconded from Taiwan and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, our small community grew stronger in numbers and in faith.



五月是聖母月, 而十月是玫瑰聖月. 聖母選擇了十月來顯很多的奇蹟. 十月七日玫瑰節日是為紀念一五七一年, 天主教軍隊在義大利東南部賴班多海港, 藉著頌念玫瑰經戰勝了入侵的強大回軍. 聖教宗比約五世將這天定為節日, 以茲紀念. 教宗勸勉教友們與同她聖子最密切結合的瑪利亞, 共同默想這救贖的奧跡.


我們當然大家都知道聖母選擇了一九一七年的十月, 來將自己顯現給花地瑪三位小童, 將它變成今天全球整個教會最喜愛的朝聖地之一. 在同年的十三日, 她的第六次顯現時, 正如她所許下的, 她叫成千上萬的人看到太陽在舞蹈. 從那時起, 無數的奇跡不停地在發生, 讓有信仰和有需要的人得獲神益. 被教會宣認為 "和平之后" 的聖母不停的叫我們大家為世界和平祈禱. 她也實踐了自己的許諾, 在她顯現的世紀末期, 停止了共產主義的蔓延.

再者, 請千萬別忘了, 十月還有很多大眾喜愛的聖人聖女的節日. 十月一日的傳教主保聖女小德蘭; 十月四日的全球方濟會會祖聖五傷方濟;十五日的 阿維拉聖大德蘭; 十六日的聖女瑪利亞.瑪嘉利大; 十八日的聖史路加和二十八日的聖西滿和聖茹達宗徒. 祈願這些聖者們都多多為我們祈禱! 阿們!