
Our community has more than twenty years of history in Dallas. What began as five or six families coming together to study the Bible and pray together, quickly became a community that regularly gathered at nearby churches for Masses and meetings. As the numbers grew, they requested that the Diocese of Dallas help establish a permanent Chinese Catholic community in 1990. In 1992, we put our money together and purchased a small office building in Richardson, Texas. By the end of 1993, we had renovated it to become our sanctuary and activity hall. With the guidance of priests seconded from Taiwan and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, our small community grew stronger in numbers and in faith.



天主教真理電台【叫我基督徒】節目第五十六集【當執事就是去服務】訪問本堂教友 周國復,萬玉珊夫婦 內容如下 :



"周國復願意接受召叫,成為終身執事,他說,「耶穌是執事」,這話聽起來有點奇怪,事core056實上,依據若望福音記載,耶穌受難曾前拿毛巾為門徒洗腳,這正是一個 服侍的標記。此外,在福音中到處可見「服務」的標記。服務不是執事的專利,但身為執事就是要去服務。 萬玉珊去年探望病中的朱蒙泉神父,離開時,朱神父對她說:「什麼是天主的旨意?那就是,什麼人都不能做卻只有你能做的事,那勢必是天主的旨意。」她明白 了,她是周國復的妻子,丈夫想當執事,她必須陪伴,這件事,除了她,沒有人可以做。"

天主教真理電台 【當執事就是去服務】訪問內容 :



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