

Our new youth group leader

Self Introduction By Greg Sanders

I am Greggory Sanders, the son of George and Brenda Sanders. I am originally from Hot Springs, Arkansas. I moved to Dallas, Texas to join the seminary after I graduated high school. I participated in the seminarian program for four years, graduating in May of 2006. By the end of my time at Holy Trinity Seminary, I felt that this was not where God was leading me, so I returned home to Arkansas. I worked for about eight months before returning to Dallas.

During that period, I spent a long time discerning who I really was and where my place was in this world. I returned to Dallas seeking to find that. Most of my close friends lived in Dallas, which made it easier for me to stay.

Not too long after I moved to Dallas, my good friend Reuben called me. He knew that I had been interested in youth ministry before I had left the seminary, and, in his usually persuasive way, asked me to move to Plano to be a youth minister at his parish. I was reluctant at first since I, at the time, lived in Arlington. It was not until two months later after I had move to Irving that I began to actually consider it. I had been looking for a parish to be a part of and one that I could be actively involved with the parish youth.

I went to several different churches but could not find what I was searching for. After speaking with Reuben again, I told myself that I might as well at least go and see. It would not hurt. I then called Mrs.
Aileen Chen and told her what day I was coming on. I went to one of the FFF sessions on Friday. It went well. I liked it. But it was not until I came on Mother’s Day and helped the youth prepare food for the fundraiser that I knew that I had finally found my home.