








The Meaning of October

Fr. Pul P. Pang O.F.M

As I said in the first page of our October Newsletter, October has a special meaning for those of us who are devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. There is the feast of the Holy Rosary on October the seventh, to commemorate the victory over the Turks when they tried to over-run most of Europe in the thirteenth century. But even more when Pope Pius the Fifth declared that this day be the feast day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, paying special attention to the mysteries of our redemption as contained in the rosary. Then Our Lady Herself chose again October to be the last month of Her series of apparitions at Fatima in 1917. Our Lady chose every thirteenth of the month for her apparition, except for the third and fourth months when the government interrupted the series. And this year occurs the 90th anniversary of these apparitions.

However, if we pay a little more attention, if we analyze Her instructions imparted to the visionaries Lucia, Francisco and Jachinta, we realize that Our Lady’s apparitions are closely connected with Her Son Jesus Christ. Our Lady did not appear for Her own sake, rather for Her Son because She wanted us to listen to Him in order for us to be saved, in order for the world to be spared of great calamities.

We do remember when the apparitions took place, there was communist revolution in Russia, the first world war and the terrible consequences of the war. But even more terrible consequences were the spread of communism, atheism and dictatorships around the world. And Our Lady of Fatima persisted in warning that unless we heeded Her Son’s teachings, these human calamities and tragedies would continue. And they continued indeed, with millions and millions of people dying, especially during World War II.

The apparitions showed a sorrowing mother who suffered for the sins of the world and yet was impotent to do anything to help because we human beings refused to cooperate. Her repeated apparitions and warnings were best proof that the threats of calamities were real. Popes Pius XII and John XXIII were not able to do much about these apparitions. Then Pope Paul VI (who was considered a suffering Pope) did call our attention to these warnings, but the world, including most believers, continued to ignore. The God sent Pope John Paul II to the world who did everything he could to summon the Church to heed Our Lady’s call to conversion. He publicly and officially consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We all know that it was during his reign that the world communism collapsed, that many believers returned to the faith and that the youth in particular, millions and millions of them, were attracted to the faith and fidelity to the Church.

Our Lady of Fatima did say that if we heed Her call to abandon evil and to listen to Her Son, Her Immaculate Heart would triumph, the Church will spread and the world would enjoy peace. It is now up to us to fully cooperate with Her so that all this would happen.