
Our community has more than twenty years of history in Dallas. What began as five or six families coming together to study the Bible and pray together, quickly became a community that regularly gathered at nearby churches for Masses and meetings. As the numbers grew, they requested that the Diocese of Dallas help establish a permanent Chinese Catholic community in 1990. In 1992, we put our money together and purchased a small office building in Richardson, Texas. By the end of 1993, we had renovated it to become our sanctuary and activity hall. With the guidance of priests seconded from Taiwan and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, our small community grew stronger in numbers and in faith.



每年的九月十四日是聖教會慶祝十字架勝利的節日. 其實早在第四世紀已有敬拜十字架的傳統, 但九月十四日的節日是為紀念希拉克流大帝從波斯人手中奪回聖十字架的史蹟.

今天的讀經是集中在聖保祿致斐理伯書信裡, 這裡有著名的聖十字架頌”: “他雖具有天主的形體, 並沒有以自己與天主同等, 為應當把持不捨的, 卻使自己空虛, 取了奴僕的形體, 與人相似, 形狀也一見如人; 他貶抑自己, 聽命至死, 且死在十字架上. 為此, 天主極其舉揚他, 賜給了他一個名字, 超越其他所有的名字, 致使上天, 地上和底下的一切, 一聽到耶穌的名字, 無不屈膝叩拜; 一切唇舌無不明認耶穌基督是主, 以光榮天主聖父” (2:6-11). 有三個因素使今天的節日意義深長: 謙虛, 死在十字架上以及享受光榮. 這是救贖的泉源.

為那些願意得救的人, 耶穌自己定了一個條件: “誰願意跟隨我, 必須棄絕自己, 背起他的十字架來跟隨我” ( 16:24). 聖保祿在自己書信上所說的, 耶穌自己早已強調了. 就是說: 背起十字架是奔向救贖的唯一道路. 所以, 當我們每一次進到聖堂時, 讓我們疑視並觀賞苦像(聖十字架): 我們得救的唯一工具和我們永福的唯一保證!